Finally fell victim to the junk that's going around. Sore throat and the whole bit. I've been putting in some quality time in front of the computers and hopefully one of my design projects will be done soon. In the meantime the levels of desire to ride a bike have been at zero. Storms have been moving in and hopefully there will be some snow coming to the hills. Snow level was down to 2200 feet last night. Good signs. Hope Royal opens soon. For now the roller skis will be put to use if I can kick this funkiness that has me down right now.
The mind has been wandering to different sports lately and I was thinking of a surf trip I took to Mexico and long time ago. It was a blast and it was probably the last time a farmer tan did not grace my skin. Best part of the trip: Surfing and hanging out on the beach all day. Worst part of the trip: Tie between getting stung by a jellyfish and going home. Going home probably wins that prize because honestly there was quite a bit of excitement with the jellyfish thing.
Not sure why that trip came up. Perhaps something in me just needs a change of pace.
Whatever it is, the next few weeks will be quite busy and then.....well, you'll just have to stay tuned.
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